Every unique visitor reaching the start-screen is counted as an impression. When you have reached the max-impressions for your package, our game will not show up on your website anymore until the counter resets at the next month.
Anticheat engine
No cheating is possible with out anti-cheat engine integrated within the game. With the anti-cheat system in place, no player can alter the game scores or rewards so your campaign can not be abused.
Full customisation
Every unique visitor reaching the start-screen is counted as an impression. When you have reached the max-impressions for your package, our game will not show up on your website anymore until the counter resets at the next month.
A/B testing
A/B testing (also called split testing) is comparing two versions of the game to figure out the better performing variation.
Flexible rewards
Set custom rewards based on the points the player has collected, randomly or other data. By setting limited time offers, the player will have urgency to place an order within a short time frame.
Leader board
With the leader boards, specially setup for your store, users are challenged to keep playing and increase their score, increasing the effectiveness of your game.
Newsletter subscription
You can encourage customers and players to subscribe to a newsletter at the end of the game by connecting it to Email Campaigns or Mailchimp.
Great support
We provide 24/7 support and help to ensure that you get the most out of your investment. We will answer any questions or issues you may have, assist with the setup process, and guide you through our features.